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Daphne de Souza Lima Sorensen

  • Managed health projects for Pathfinder International in Mozambique (1998-2000)

  • Organized AIDS Walk in Uganda (1998)

  • Speaks four languages - Portuguese, Spanish, English and French

  • Writer for traveler's web site www.bootsnall.com

  • Led educational student tours around Boston, NYC, Washington DC and Florida (1995-97)

  • B.A. in International Studies and Economics from American University in Washington (1997)

  • Organized disaster relief and community development projects for Viva Rio in Brazil (1996)


Daphne is a self proclaimed "citizen of the world" - a Brazilian with an American accent and a British sense of humor who likes to dance merengue. Born in Brazil, Daphne had lived in South America, the US and Europe by the time she was a teen-ager. At an early age, she became aware of the value of discovering new cultures and new ways of life - as well as the disparities that exist in the world. While earning her B.A. in International Studies and Economics from the American University in Washington, Daphne led student tours around major East Coast cities - often introducing rural students to urban landscapes, and trying to break down stereo-types and assumptions that exist even within the same country. After graduation, she traveled to Uganda and Mozambique to put her education to the test in "the real world."

After three years in the field, Daphne has become convinced that a new paradigm of international development is necessary - one that fosters understanding, education, cross-cultural exchanges of ideas, skill-sharing and the utilization of resources - rather than the emphasis on money and formal institutions and structure that currently exists. Personally, she is happiest at the grassroots level - working directly with local people. She considers herself to be an organizer, a motivator and coordinator - someone whose travels have developed her ability to communicate with all types of people and to transcend cross-cultural boundaries and perspectives.

Daphne is a firm believer in the educational and personal benefits of travel. In her experience, a willingness to discover and explore something new is an outstanding way to challenge ones underlying assumptions and long-held beliefs. She is committed to deepening understanding across borders and to the benefits of promoting connections between real people and real situations.

Besides traveling and meeting new people, Daphne enjoys scuba diving, tennis, reading and dancing (anytime and anywhere).

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