Odyssey Info


Who We Are


Trek Team

Board of Directors

Advisory Board




The Trek



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Odyssey Folk

The Odyssey wouldn't exist without the dedicated individuals that helped make it a reality. We owe a large debt of gratitude to each and every one.

First and foremost are the many individuals who donated more than 500 hours a week to keep us going strong. You can meet them here!

The Odyssey received informal support from people at over one hundred organizations. Some of them were members of our Board of Directors and our Advisory Board.

The person who led the program from day one and made so much of this happen, the Founder, also served as the Executive Director and as the President of the Board of Directors.

Our ability to deliver our free services depended on support from many quarters. If you are inspired or have benefitted from all of tis work, then please pay it forward! Donate your own time or money to help the folks doing important work today!

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©2000 The Odyssey: World Trek for Service and Education. All rights reserved.