American Roots
Birth of the US
Civil War/
Teacher's Guide - Transformation
The Violent Crunch of the Plains and Mountain Indians
- The Battle of Little Big Horn
- Chief Joseph and the Nex Perce
- Geronimo and the Navajo Nation
- Wounded Knee and Sitting Bull
- The Dawes Act and the Carlisle School
- The Transcontinental Railroad
- Black and Latino Cowboys
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1/10 - Industrialization and Immigration
- Andrew Carnegie and Steel
- JD Rockefeller and Standard Oil
- Thomas Edison
- The "Big Four" and their Railroads
- Philanthropists at What Cost?
- Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Act
- Immigration from South and Central Europe
- Immigration and the Border Today
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1/10 - The Rise of Unions
- The 8-Hour Day Movement
- The Molly Maguires
- The National Railroad Strike
- The Haymarket Riots
- The Sugar Labor Strike
- The Homestead Mill
- The Farmer's Alliance
- Labor Day And May Day
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1/13 - National Politics - The Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
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