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Teacher's Guide - The Birth of the United States

 Itinerary Overview

 10/18  -   Revolutionary Flashpoints - Issues, People and Places

 10/21  -  The Unfolding of the American Victory

 10/25  -  Foundations of the US Government

10/18 - Revolutionary Flashpoints - Issues, People and Places

A. British Acts

B. The Boston Massacre and the Intolerable Acts
  • The Freedom Trail Boston, Massachusetts
C. Organized Political and Military Resistance
  • Independence National Historic Park Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
D. Towards Independence
  • Independence National Historic Park Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts

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10/21 - The Unfolding of the American Victory

A. The Siege of Boston
  • Battle of Bunker Hill - Boston, Massachusetts
  • Dorchester Heights - Boston, Massachusetts

B. The Battles in Canada
  • Fort Ticonderoga - Ticonderoga, New York

C. Washington's Early Battles
  • Brandywine Creek - Wilmington, Delaware
  • Washington Crossing Historic Park - Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania

D. Up North
  • Battle of Saratoga Saratoga, New York
  • Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

E. American Dissent
  • Moore's Creek Bridge - Currie, North Carolina
  • Fort/District 96 - Abbeville, South Carolina

F. European Allies for the Americans, the Fall of the British
  • Battle of Yorktown - Yorktown, Pennsylvania
  • Battle of Guilford Courthouse - Greensboro, North Carolina

G. Native Americans
  • Iroquois Confederacy - Syracuse, New York
  • Ft. Pitt - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

H. African Americans
  • New York, New York

I. Women
  • Yorktown Victory Center - Yorktown, Pennsylvania
  • Adams Family Home - Braintree, Massachusetts

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10/25 - Foundations of the US Government

A. The Articles of Confederation Site Visits
  • York County Colonial Courthouse, where the articles were drafted
  • Site of Shay's Rebellion - Springfield, MA

B. Creation of the Constitution
  • Independence Hall, Philadelphia

C. The Fight for Ratification
  • The Capital Building - Washington, DC

D. Independence - By Whom and for Whom?
  • Monticello
  • The homes of Al Gore and George Bush

E. The Politics of the Day
  • The dueling ground at Weehawken,
  • New Jersey were Burr and Hamilton dueled

F. The Constitution Through Time


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