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       Kevin Dispatch
Semester 1:
The US through the 19th Century

Stage One: In Search of American Roots

09/13/00: These roots were made for walkin'
Kevin discusses his childhood, his heritage and some of the greatest lessons he's learned about life. Learn about the environment in which he grew up and discover his sense of humor.

09/30/00: The Huguenot history rap
A rhyming dispatch concerning the Onandaga tribe, as they relate to French contact, and Huguenot street its significant, with a moral lesson thrown in to boot. You will learn about both the French and Dutch arrivals and their separate motivations.


Stage Two: The Birth of the U.S.

10/18/00: And justice for all... of the rich and powerful
Kevin explores the history of the Declaration of Independence. He also gives a brief analysis of the contradictions inherent in the Declaration of Independence. Fourth of July, French and Indian War, King George III of England, Sir Thomas Jefferson, Larry McClenney a National Service Park Ranger, John Dickenson, Independence Hall, and the first Supreme Court.


Stage Three: Expansion & Reaction

11/11/00: Heck no! We won't go for a 16-hour work day!
Kiddie version of Kevin's Lowell dispatch in which he writes to his 'daughter' Sarah Bagely, a labor activist in the Lowell mills who went on strike for a 10-hour workday.


Stage Four: Civil War & Reconstruction

12/06/00: Running from the "slavecatchers"
Slavery, Fugitive Slave Acts, Compromise of 1850, Boston and the black/African American community, Underground Railroad, Anthony Burns, The Jerry Rescue" content="Content

12/06/00: A newspaper editor fights slavery with words
Boston, William Lloyd Garrison, abolitionist, liberator, activism, anti slavery

12/20/00: Welcome to New York. Now get in line for delousing
Kevin describes immigrants' experiences of leaving their countries (many from Eastern and Southern Europe) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and coming to America. He gives one immigrant's story about arriving in New York via Ellis Island.


Stage Five: Transformation of te U.S.

01/13/01: Thanks for the memories!
Life, adventures, US TREK, The Odyssey milestones, learning experiences, triumphs, disappointments, helping to better the world, building strength, Kevin says goodbye, Kevin's final dispatch.